Friday, July 26, 2019

Hepatitis B Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Hepatitis B - Essay Example There are also two cases of Hepatitis infection. If a person develops the virus later in life there is a higher chance of the person’s body defeating the virus. The virus can take somewhere between weeks and months to clear the body in such cases. The infection can be deadly however, and is most lethal in infants. The disease can also become life threatening if it becomes mixed with different live problems. Currently, there are several different solutions to the virus. Antiviral treatments are available, as well as several different immune system boosters. New antivirals are always under investigation. Vaccines have also been developed in preventing the spread of the disease. Health workers and even some college campuses are now requiring this vaccine. The vaccine has been found to be highly effective, as it greatly reduces the number of viral incidents, as well as reducing the risk of liver cancer. The Hepatitis B virus is a double stranded DNA virus (Hepatitis). When it enters into a host cell, it locates the cell’s nucleus and changes the cell to produce viral proteins. Viral RNA is also produced, and transferred to the cytosol of the cell, where it translates the viral polymerase and core proteins. Using the polymerase protein the RNA is then converted into genomic DNA, and then the mature core particle leaves the cells through normal passageways (Hepatitis). The transfer of this possibly deadly virus happens between fluid contact of people. The virus can be transferred through â€Å"unprotected sexual contact, blood transfusions, re-use of contaminated needles and syringes, and vertical transmission from mother to child during childbirth†(Hepatitis). In low risk areas, drug abuse and unprotected sex are the main forms of virus transfer. In high risk areas however, the passing of the virus from mother is much higher, it can even reach a 90 percent chance of a mother passing the virus to her

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