Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Signal-Man By Charles Dickens :: Charles Dickens Signal man Essays

The Signal-Man By Charles daimonDickens gives a description of the railway cutting withintricate detail and encompasses it with a cloud of grimy and adepressive mood. He associates places and objects with certainimpressions which produce this large image of negative and horrifyingvibes and steps.When the narrating character has the first acquaintance of the railwaycutting and signalmans box, Dickens bombards you with adjectives anddepictions of a morbid and depressing zephyr. He called it adungeon which implies a sense of torture and a ghastly horridnature. The very description of the signalmans box creates a feelingof suffocation and being trapped.On either side, a dripping wet wall of jagged st oneness, excluding allbut a strip of sky the perspective one way was only a crookedprolongation of this great dungeonThe emphasis on the gloominess and forbidding deadly environmentconveys the relevance to the storyline of pre-cursor of death and eternal haunting and reminder of danger. Dickens also seems to alwaysentertain the possibility of a supernatural presence. For example, thenarrator had felt the dread of a following train, and when the finishstruck a chill to him. This allows for an interpretation of theapparent interference of a ghost in the plot like an outer worldinspiration.The story throughout contains the ingredients and factors that make upa horror story, for example the chill, cold, gloomy, dark anddeadly moods, and the returning haunting ghostly figure with itsrepeating gesture. This is great support for the plot and it setsstyle and mood and adds fright and tension. The vivid interpretation ofthe dungeon conveys the great torment the signalman was feelinginside, and shows the possible physical factors which could havepsychologically affected him. The frequent indication of the solitudeof the signalman, in the depressive and unnatural atmosphere is

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